
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day After New Year's Day Part 1

Just so you know, my title is derived from the calendar...!

So anyway, this particular day counted as busy for us. First off was all the normal housework that needs to be done after the weekend (fun stuff!), then after various necessary preparations, we all piled into the Burtons' van (yes, Mum had refrained from returning it so we could use it for this visit!), and headed for the Campbells' place. Jarrod is friends with the Campbell boys, so our family and the Shellings' were invited to go over for lunch and a few games, in celebration of Seth's 13th birthday. We weren't the only ones running on homeschool time, so somehow, we managed to arrive before the Shellings(!). Well, ok, they do have 10 children, and the eldest is only 11, so I suppose I'll let them! Actually, Mrs. Campbell and Nathan hadn't yet arrived back from dropping off the Porsche they'd had the timing worked out fine in the end!

Once everyone had arrived, we all had lunch, following which Mrs. Campbell got the games started. The adults, very young children, and I just sat talking for a while. We needed to leave by a certain time, so finally we rounded everyone up for birthday cake, and lastly, a group photo:

Sorry, can't give you the names as I don't know them all....! But Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are in the top lefthand corner, my parents on the left, and Mr. and Mrs. Shellings on the right.

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