Thursday we did our friends the Rakete's paper run, as they were also at the tramp, then the others went to Drury Christian School for Monique's violin lesson, and Danielle's recorder lesson (both for the first time), then to Dad's work, while I (once again!) did school work.
Friday we went to my orthodontist appointment at 11:45, which is why my teeth are so sore now, I had thicker wires put on, power chain, and rubber bands going from top to bottom on both sides of my mouth ouch! =)
Then to the Warehouse, where we sat in the car, well I did anyway, Jarrod took the street surfer/s-board/ripstick onto the footpath, terrorised the others, and...well suffice it to say that by the time Mum came back, their were a few screaming children, and most of them jumped out of the car to go see her (when they know they must stay IN the car!)
After a llllloooooonnnnnnnggggggg lunch, Mum took the others to do the Rakete's paper run again, so I some un-interrupted time to concentrate on school work.
And today..we had GKGW (Growing Kids God's Way) course, along with another very exhausting childrens program, which was organised by John Sonneveld - cousin to my friends. This week they learnt about the Good Shepherd, the memory verse being "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." Psalm 23 v 1.
The first craft - glueing a fabric cloak to a piece of paper, and drawing details like the head, arms, legs, clouds, sky, grass, etc...and sheep. They had three cotton wool balls they split in half and stuck on to the sheep.
And the colouring picture was of a shepherd with a sheep.
And tonight..my teeth were too sore to eat the Lamb cassorole that Mum made, so I had scrambled eggs, and will have a cup o' soup soon.
And Dad and Uncle Pete have been to work for a few hours, and just got home.
I've also been reading a book caled "How To Stop Your Kids From Going Broke" by Sylvia Bowden. Although I didn't hear her, she spoke at the Brain Conference I went to early last year.
It's a really good book!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
This Week Part 1
Monday this week we started school (at home!). It ended up being a full-on day, but still not managing to get all my work done =(
Tuesday was more school, while the others went to Drury Christian School to see if a violin they had was the right size for Monique (it wasn't).
Then going to my 3:30 flute lesson, before getting ready to go to athletics at 5:30.
I only had one friend at athletics that night [ =( ], as quite a few people were away tramping (I hear they had heaps of fun!). We had Discus, 200m, High Jump (which I skipped), and 800m.
Wednesday the others went over to KBB Music in Epsom while I did school work, oh, and started a cheesecake, and put the dough on for chelsea buns.
Then we went to athletics training that night.
Monday this week we started school (at home!). It ended up being a full-on day, but still not managing to get all my work done =(
Tuesday was more school, while the others went to Drury Christian School to see if a violin they had was the right size for Monique (it wasn't).
Then going to my 3:30 flute lesson, before getting ready to go to athletics at 5:30.
I only had one friend at athletics that night [ =( ], as quite a few people were away tramping (I hear they had heaps of fun!). We had Discus, 200m, High Jump (which I skipped), and 800m.
Wednesday the others went over to KBB Music in Epsom while I did school work, oh, and started a cheesecake, and put the dough on for chelsea buns.
Then we went to athletics training that night.
Saturday, 5 February
Hi again,
On Saturday 5th Feb, Mum and Dad had a Growing Kids God's Way course, run by my friends' parents, at Papakura Baptist Church from 2 - 4pm. That was the second week of a 17 week course.
And since there is approximately 25 children/babies, and only 3-5 people (4 teens and a pre-teen) running the children's program, my friend Anne Roos and I went along to help out as well.
Well the idea was to be at the church at 1:30 so we could see what we were supposed to be doing with the children, but..yeah..anyway..that kinda didn't work out! I think we got there just before 2.
We were downstairs and used 3 main rooms, which we refer to as the 'big room' and the 'little rooms.'
Soooo... we started by getting all the children to sit down in the big room, and ticked a book to show who was there. Then Esther told them all what was happening, and split them into 2 teams, before taking one team into each of the smaller rooms.
Once in the smaller rooms, and seated around a table, we helped them make the following craft:
Then took them back to the big room to say the previous week's memory verse, learn the new verse - "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control", and listen to a story (which I had to read....).
After which we split into the smaller rooms again, to colour in a picture and have afternoon tea.
Next we put them all back in one group, and upstairs to play games in the gym until 4.
After that we were all exhausted(!), so just sat around talking until it was time to leave.
Until next time,
On Saturday 5th Feb, Mum and Dad had a Growing Kids God's Way course, run by my friends' parents, at Papakura Baptist Church from 2 - 4pm. That was the second week of a 17 week course.
And since there is approximately 25 children/babies, and only 3-5 people (4 teens and a pre-teen) running the children's program, my friend Anne Roos and I went along to help out as well.
Well the idea was to be at the church at 1:30 so we could see what we were supposed to be doing with the children, but..yeah..anyway..that kinda didn't work out! I think we got there just before 2.
We were downstairs and used 3 main rooms, which we refer to as the 'big room' and the 'little rooms.'
Soooo... we started by getting all the children to sit down in the big room, and ticked a book to show who was there. Then Esther told them all what was happening, and split them into 2 teams, before taking one team into each of the smaller rooms.
Once in the smaller rooms, and seated around a table, we helped them make the following craft:
In case you were wondering, the words are
the fruits of the Spirit, which is what they
were learning about that week
After which we split into the smaller rooms again, to colour in a picture and have afternoon tea.
Next we put them all back in one group, and upstairs to play games in the gym until 4.
After that we were all exhausted(!), so just sat around talking until it was time to leave.
Until next time,
Thursday, February 10, 2011
30 January to 4 February
Hi again!
Sunday we had the main communion service, so it started at 11am, and didn't finish until about 1:30/2pm.
When we got home (I think) we had roast chicken (made by Chef Uncle Pete!).
And church again at 7.
Monday was a public holiday, so after church we went to Omana Regional Park with our cousins, and Anne Roos and her brothers - Auke and Dieuwe whom we picked up, for a bbq. After the EVENTUALLY eating, the others played soccer (while I sat in the car txting!), then we all played cricket.
Then it was home time.
That night (after the others had been put to bed), we got all Bethany's stuff together and packed it; while watching Ever After.
And Tuesday morning we got up just before 5am (or I did, I think the others got up earlier!) and took Bethany to the airport, to check in by 5:30! Since we got there later than we had planned, we missed out on breakfast at McDonald's =( ah well.
Yes, when we got home I did go back to bed, and woke up to Mum saying "oh no, you've got a flute lesson in five minutes..what shall I do?...*thinking*..I better ring your teacher.." That would've been at 10:55, but I went back to sleep, and when I got up later, found out that my flute lesson had been changed to 4pm...which was good cos I was wide awake by then, and was able to play much better than I otherwise would have.
Then that night at 5:30 we had athletics YYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!! lol
Wednesday was spent at home, and that night we went to church cos we had a minister over from Aussie.
Thursday was the Auckland Home Educators' Not-Back-To-School picnic at Cornwall Park.
One of my friends, along with some of her siblings and two of their friends brought their instruments and played some music for us. Thanks Wilsons and Campbells =)
And I saw a couple of other people who I hadn't seen for AGES, which was really nice.
The Scavenger Hunt was pretty cool too.
Friday...ummm... another day at home I 'spose, most likely preparing for school and tidying up.
Okay I'm gonna leave it at that for this post.
Sunday we had the main communion service, so it started at 11am, and didn't finish until about 1:30/2pm.
When we got home (I think) we had roast chicken (made by Chef Uncle Pete!).
And church again at 7.
Monday was a public holiday, so after church we went to Omana Regional Park with our cousins, and Anne Roos and her brothers - Auke and Dieuwe whom we picked up, for a bbq. After the EVENTUALLY eating, the others played soccer (while I sat in the car txting!), then we all played cricket.
Then it was home time.
That night (after the others had been put to bed), we got all Bethany's stuff together and packed it; while watching Ever After.
And Tuesday morning we got up just before 5am (or I did, I think the others got up earlier!) and took Bethany to the airport, to check in by 5:30! Since we got there later than we had planned, we missed out on breakfast at McDonald's =( ah well.
Yes, when we got home I did go back to bed, and woke up to Mum saying "oh no, you've got a flute lesson in five minutes..what shall I do?...*thinking*..I better ring your teacher.." That would've been at 10:55, but I went back to sleep, and when I got up later, found out that my flute lesson had been changed to 4pm...which was good cos I was wide awake by then, and was able to play much better than I otherwise would have.
Then that night at 5:30 we had athletics YYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!! lol
Wednesday was spent at home, and that night we went to church cos we had a minister over from Aussie.
Thursday was the Auckland Home Educators' Not-Back-To-School picnic at Cornwall Park.
One of my friends, along with some of her siblings and two of their friends brought their instruments and played some music for us. Thanks Wilsons and Campbells =)
And I saw a couple of other people who I hadn't seen for AGES, which was really nice.
The Scavenger Hunt was pretty cool too.
Friday...ummm... another day at home I 'spose, most likely preparing for school and tidying up.
Okay I'm gonna leave it at that for this post.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Last week...Part 2...Saturday
On Saturday, Dad, Jarrod and I got up at 2am - no I hadn't had any sleep! - and met a couple of other people from our athletics club at a local survo at 3, before heading down to Opotiki together for Paul's (one of our athletics coaches) funeral.
Well, the trip started with driving fairly(!) fast down the motorway in heavy rain -making it hard to see Terry's car in front, that we were following- and later on there was heaps of flooding, and a couple of accidents, that slowed us down.
We got through some decent flooding, but a bit further on it was to deep to go through, so we went all the way back, and around a bit, to another road that was to take us to our destination, and came to this:
Those pics were taken out my window! Can you see the tops of the fences?!
As the water was fairly deep right across the road, we stopped, unsure whether it was safe to cross or not.
The traffic (or whatever) people that were there, said 4WD's and trucks could go through, but no one else, although after that a heap of vans, and small cars were coming through from the other side.
Not long after a whole lot of tankers turned up on our side, so we (or the others, I had stayed in the car the whole time) made fort the cars, and followed them across.
After driving through the above, we uneventfully made our way to the Marae - where the funeral was.
Soo.. when we got there we stood outside, because apparently you have to be invited in... well we weren't there for too long b4 we followed everyone else to the cemetary - after returning our handbags to our cars, as you're not allowed them in the burial ground.., and walking through more water..uggh!
Well standing around the grave was a bit tearful, but otherwise ok, listening to people say stuff, sing songs in Maori, put flowers on top of the coffin (not sure why, but we found that a little scary, so did it in 'teams' of two!, and one guy played a guitar (yes, I did notice that it was purple...!)
Anyway, when leaving the burial groud we had to wash our hands, and spray water on our faces.
Then, after getting (badly) sunburnt, we all went back to the Marae, wher we talked for a couple of hours before the food (a whole meal) was ready. It consisted of about three different types of meat, pumpkin, kumura and potatoes (off the top of my head), various sauces, etc in the middle of the tables, fizzy drinks, and, if you wanted it, dessert, which was also in the middle of the table so you could help yourself.
Not long after that we all headed for our cars and left. I dozed, and hoped Dad wasn't doing the same! I think it was in Matamata that we stopped at McDonald's, for drinks and a snack. From there we all separately made our way home.
Not sure what we did for the rest of the evening, but funnily enough I didn't go to bed very early!
Luv Bee
On Saturday, Dad, Jarrod and I got up at 2am - no I hadn't had any sleep! - and met a couple of other people from our athletics club at a local survo at 3, before heading down to Opotiki together for Paul's (one of our athletics coaches) funeral.
Well, the trip started with driving fairly(!) fast down the motorway in heavy rain -making it hard to see Terry's car in front, that we were following- and later on there was heaps of flooding, and a couple of accidents, that slowed us down.
We got through some decent flooding, but a bit further on it was to deep to go through, so we went all the way back, and around a bit, to another road that was to take us to our destination, and came to this:
Those pics were taken out my window! Can you see the tops of the fences?!
As the water was fairly deep right across the road, we stopped, unsure whether it was safe to cross or not.
The traffic (or whatever) people that were there, said 4WD's and trucks could go through, but no one else, although after that a heap of vans, and small cars were coming through from the other side.
Not long after a whole lot of tankers turned up on our side, so we (or the others, I had stayed in the car the whole time) made fort the cars, and followed them across.
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Terry's 4WD in front of us - see how much water there is? |
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This is just outside my window as we drove through! |
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Anther pic out my window |
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Here you can see my door, as well as the floods |
Soo.. when we got there we stood outside, because apparently you have to be invited in... well we weren't there for too long b4 we followed everyone else to the cemetary - after returning our handbags to our cars, as you're not allowed them in the burial ground.., and walking through more water..uggh!
Well standing around the grave was a bit tearful, but otherwise ok, listening to people say stuff, sing songs in Maori, put flowers on top of the coffin (not sure why, but we found that a little scary, so did it in 'teams' of two!, and one guy played a guitar (yes, I did notice that it was purple...!)
Anyway, when leaving the burial groud we had to wash our hands, and spray water on our faces.
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The Marae, taken from the car as we were leaving. Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera up with me. |
Not long after that we all headed for our cars and left. I dozed, and hoped Dad wasn't doing the same! I think it was in Matamata that we stopped at McDonald's, for drinks and a snack. From there we all separately made our way home.
Not sure what we did for the rest of the evening, but funnily enough I didn't go to bed very early!
Luv Bee
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Last week...Part 1
Monday last week (24th Jan) was a quiet day at home. (I think we probably played uno, etc!)
On Tuesday we went to the Auckland Museum, uggh (no I don't like museums lol!). It was kinda cool to see the native New Zealand bats though! (for those of you who don't know, I did a lot of study on bats a few years ago, and won 1st = in the Auckland Home Educator's Science and Technology Fair - in the observation category).
And they have four (live) rats in the children's section, which are so cute! One of the volunteers opened their cage while we were there too!!! lol
And that night we had athletics!!! - first night for the second half of the season. My age group (Girls 12+) did 100m, 200m, Discuss and High Jump.
We also found out that one of the coach's - a solo Dad of one son my age - had died earlier that day by electrocuting himself...so that kinda put a damper on things.
After athletics Dad took Bethany, another one of my friends - Rebekah, and I to a Cafe in Devonport for supper/dessert, after which we went for a walk along the waterfront.
Lol the cafe served hot chocolate in either a bowl or a glass, I decided to be adventurous and get the bowl! Which, of course, everyone else thought was a great joke. They kept teasing me about a straw not being big enough, and needing a garden hose ...etc...etc...etc...!
Wednesday was another quiet day at home, and that night Dad, Jarrod, Monique, Danielle, Diana and I went to athletics training while Mum took Bethany, Bryce and Maria to church.
Thursday morning we went to church at 11, and 7, and Anne Roos came over in between, while Mum went grocery shopping, and we watched a movie - Letters to Juliet, when the others got home we played uno before a quick dinner.
On Friday we went to the Sonnevelds' (homeschool friends) for afternoon tea. While there we tried target shooting (in the rain!) and yes, talked a lot.
Then it was dinner, and to church with Bethany and Uncle Pete at 7.
On the way back, we picked up the keys for work from Uncle Paul, but he wasn't sure if he had all the right ones, so we came home and got Dad's work keys, dropped me off, then Uncle Pete and Bethany went to work.
I then had to organise ironing..blah blah blah..and eventually got to bed just after midnight.
On Tuesday we went to the Auckland Museum, uggh (no I don't like museums lol!). It was kinda cool to see the native New Zealand bats though! (for those of you who don't know, I did a lot of study on bats a few years ago, and won 1st = in the Auckland Home Educator's Science and Technology Fair - in the observation category).
And they have four (live) rats in the children's section, which are so cute! One of the volunteers opened their cage while we were there too!!! lol
And that night we had athletics!!! - first night for the second half of the season. My age group (Girls 12+) did 100m, 200m, Discuss and High Jump.
We also found out that one of the coach's - a solo Dad of one son my age - had died earlier that day by electrocuting himself...so that kinda put a damper on things.
After athletics Dad took Bethany, another one of my friends - Rebekah, and I to a Cafe in Devonport for supper/dessert, after which we went for a walk along the waterfront.
Lol the cafe served hot chocolate in either a bowl or a glass, I decided to be adventurous and get the bowl! Which, of course, everyone else thought was a great joke. They kept teasing me about a straw not being big enough, and needing a garden hose ...etc...etc...etc...!
Wednesday was another quiet day at home, and that night Dad, Jarrod, Monique, Danielle, Diana and I went to athletics training while Mum took Bethany, Bryce and Maria to church.
Thursday morning we went to church at 11, and 7, and Anne Roos came over in between, while Mum went grocery shopping, and we watched a movie - Letters to Juliet, when the others got home we played uno before a quick dinner.
On Friday we went to the Sonnevelds' (homeschool friends) for afternoon tea. While there we tried target shooting (in the rain!) and yes, talked a lot.
Then it was dinner, and to church with Bethany and Uncle Pete at 7.
On the way back, we picked up the keys for work from Uncle Paul, but he wasn't sure if he had all the right ones, so we came home and got Dad's work keys, dropped me off, then Uncle Pete and Bethany went to work.
I then had to organise ironing..blah blah blah..and eventually got to bed just after midnight.
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