
Saturday, December 31, 2011

When Mum's not there to supervise....

One afternoon in July, my birthday as it happens!, Mum was out (I forget why). Uncle Pete was home and took the following photos of my siblings:

This bike is suspended in midair, being 'ridden' by Jarrod (12)

And I think Bryce (3) is pulling this rope, causing the
bike in the above pic to swing.

Princess Danielle (8), Princess Monique (10),
and Princess Diana (5)

Science by Design Conference Part 2

I got up promptly at 6 o'clock the next morning when my alarm went off, and, since I was suddenly wide awake, I wondered for a minute whether I had seriously just woken up, or whether I had been lying half awake for a while?

After I had done everything I needed to do, I sat down to await my ride; while it was a little difficult not to fall asleep, it was nice to have a few minutes to relax! =)

Then Mrs Aiken did arrive to pick me up, and we went directly to MCBC (Manukau City Baptist Church), where we helped set up for another day of the conference. The timetable sheets that were supposed to be placed in various places around the church had disappeared entirely, so a few of us (Mrs Aiken, Mrs Stephanie Brown, Joel and me are the ones who come to mind) wrote out new sheets (Maybe I should work on my printing more often lol!), and then blu-tacked them, along with other signs and arrows, on doors, cetera...

When the first talk for the day began -“Recent News in Creation Science"- we were still busy with signs and whatever! Some of the signs needed cutting down (they were on like A3 paper, and there was a lot printed on it that we didn't actually want) so Mrs Aiken and I did that while listening!

Next was morning tea and resource viewing (there were HEAPS of vendors there!!). There was also heaps of food (yum!) which I helped hand out.

Then at 11am was keynote address #4: "Ask the Beasts."
To quote from
"In this seminar, Dr. Wile will talk about Job 12:7-10, which begins by commanding the reader to “Ask the beasts.” In his view, this Scripture is telling us that we must study nature to fully understand God. While God’s divine revelation (the Bible) is clearly more detailed and precise than His natural revelation (creation), both are necessary to have a full and complete understanding of God. He will give a bit of history to show you that this was the motivation for many of the great scientists of the past, and some great scientists of the present. He then draws from fields such as astronomy, microbiology, zoology, and botany to share at least a bit of what science tells us about God."

12:30 was lunch and resource viewing. Or should I say, catch up with your friends and eat something?!? lol! I stuck around at the church although it would seem I could have had Subway instead..hmm which would have been the better choice...oh well I guess my bank account would have liked the one I made *grin*!

After lunch were the breakout sessions:
a) "Where are they now?" with Dr Wile, discussing the difference that homeschool graduates are making in the real world.
b) "Getting off to a Good Start" with Dorinda Duthie, which included applying for an exemption.
c) "Goodbye Chaos, Hello Peace" with Cynthia Hancox.
d) "Hands on Learning" with Rachel Larkin.
e) "Tackling the "isms": Worldview Overview" with Joe Fleener. Also from the above link:
"This workshop covers a basic overview of the main "isms" with some comparisons and specific examples. Attendees will leave with a basic understanding of worldview, able to recognise particular worldviews and being made aware of some resources available for further investigation."

I chose session e, and managed to talk a couple of friends into joining me. Only one of us had remembered a pen, and all three of us had stuff we wanted to write down, so that was kind of interesting! =)
I found the talk interesting, although I'm afraid it was so long ago that I'm not gonna be able to write about it!

Afternoon tea followed, at 3 o'clock.

Last of all was a talk by Dr Wile entitled "The Earth: Fearfully & Wonderfully Made."
Did you know that ozone is a poisonous gas, but is imperitive if life on earth is to survive? This discussion was very interesting (as were the others!), however it had been a long day, and I could have gone to sleep! I noticed several other people looked quite tired too...! =)

It was then about 5pm, and we helped tidy up a bit before the Aikens dropped me home, during the short drive to my place, we each shared what we had found interesting, and other memorable moments from throughout the day.

I don't remember whether I noted this previously or not,  but in case I havn't, I should just mention that there were talks by other people running during every main session. However the main breakout sessions was the only time I listened to anyone other than Dr. Wile.

Thanks to everyone who helped to make such an awesome day possible!

Science by Design Conference Part 1

Earlier this year Dr Jay L. Wile ( came to New Zealand to speak at several conferences throughout the country. The Auckland Science by Design Conference was held on the evening of Friday, 10th June, and all of the following day. On the Friday night Uncle Pete and I went together. First up was a variety concert with most of the performers being homeschoolers. The performances included pieces played on various instruments, with and without piano accompaniment, a ballet dance, Scottish Country Dances, poetry recitals and so on. Well done to all participants, you did awesome! =)

Then came keynote address #1: “Creation versus Evolution: Religion versus Science or Religion versus Religion." Here Dr Wile discussed how attempts to fit the Genesis account of Creation with evolution fail, and how the facts point to the Genesis account. He also mentioned that evolution requires faith, just as Christianity does.

Next on the schedule was a light supper, also a great time to say hi to everyone you know!

The second and last keynote address for the night was entitled “The Bible: A Great Source of Modern Science." With facts such as many of the rules and regulations set out in the Old Testament being in perfect agreement with modern science, Dr Wile shows in this lecture that the Bible clearly was not authored by men.

After the conference had finished for the evening I remembered/realised that I needed to get some stuff for lunch the next day, so I convinced Uncle Pete to take me to Countdown (actually it wasn't that hard!)...then at home I, of course, had to prepare what I had bought and pack it so it was ready to grab first thing the next much for my early night! lol

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

40 Hour Famine

I did the 40 hour famine again this year. Here's what I was doing (to Monique-10yrs):

 I used the small rubber bands I had left over from using with my braces rather than normal-sized hairbands.

And this is what it looked like when it was eventually taken out!:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Athletics Prizegiving

Just quickly, here are some pics from Athletics prizegiving, for the season of 2010-2011.
I helped with lining up children and taking them around to the back door, and on to the stage when it was their turn. That is sooo difficult when no one listens to you..oh well, I was rescued when that happened so anyway shouldn't complain I spose.. ok and then after they've been presented with their awards you have to help them (mostly the younger ones) go out the right door and have their photo taken.

Diana being presented with her certificate and trophies. Can you see that
everyone just thinks she's the cutest?!? lol ok maybe I am a bit biased.. =D

Diana tries to balance all her trophies! ( She recieved three; one of which was the 'Champion of Champions')

Middy and me with our certificates et cetera
(I was the only one in my age group, hence all the!)
After all of this had finished we all lined up for free food...yumm!!! =D

We've all had a good laugh about this: it was the first prize-giving we were able to attend, Danielle and I had won one trophy each from past years, and Mum thought the irony of it all would be the one year we attended prize-giving we wouldn't win anything...we came home with six (I think) trophies in!