
Monday, September 29, 2014

Eltham Trip {Day 1 ~ Wednesday}

Recently, Nana spent a couple weeks in the Taranaki region staying with my uncle and aunty, and since that's closer than Wellington we took the opportunity to spend a few days with her -- without the 9-hour drive each way!

Ultimately we started organising for our trip (leaving Wednesday) on Monday, but I'll not bore you with all that, and we'll go straight to Wednesday! :) Dad intended to spend a few hours at work, so headed off first thing as usual. At home, we packed clothing, made pizza (for dinner on the road) and biscuits. Mum took someone to the dental nurse and did a few jobs around the place. Finally we hooked the trailer up, and loaded both van and trailer. Around 4:30 (lol . . . and we were going to leave early afternoon!) we left to get Dad from work and be on our way. After a loose tyre, traffic, and who knows what else :P, we left again around 5:30 . . . this time for real! 

We had dinner en route and otherwise entertained ourselves in various ways. And people, Mansfield Park (Jane Austen) is good. haha ;) We arrived in Eltham 10:30ish and Uncle Mike showed us to the camp. We set up in a 12-bed, 4-bedroom (more than home lol) lodge and finally made it to bed around 12. (Notice I said "bed". Or maybe don't notice. Anyway.)

Following are a few images of the camp taken throughout our stay.

: : Some bikes arrived in one piece, others were dismantled to fit in the trailer lol : :

: : Kitchenette : :

: : Monique and Danielle's room : :

: : Lounge : :

: : Jarrod and Bryce's room : :

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I Voted!

And because I'm stink and don't feel like writing the amazing election post I thought about writing . . . I'm just going to link to an article about why you should vote. It's by a homeschool graduate (albeit American . . . sorry lol). Read it here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

{10 on 10}

: : In our house, a person gets a chocolate bar for each textbook finished : :
and Danielle wanted some chocolate for our trip, so she did a couple weeks' work in a couple days!
This is one of the last projects for Apologia's Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures

: : Packing for the trip : :
We're heading south to visit Nana and the cousies for a few days :)

: : Moral of the story: don't fall asleep in the evening! : :
{or this will be waiting}

: : Father's day cards : :

: : New curtains in the kitchen : :

: : Just cos everything's better with chocolate ;) : :

: : I was hungry . . . so I made cranberry and almond muffins :) : :

: : Dried rose : :

: : Loving the silhouetted vibrant green! : :

: : And another silhouette : :