Last week Saturday I played in a concert for all students of MJSM - Manurewa Junior School of Music - where I have been learning flute for the last 3 years.
Five of us played together - 3 classes. Me and the girl next to me (Tofu - if that's how you spell her name) have been in the same class for all 3 years that i have been learning there. The next two girls are from the same class, and i'm not sure whether the last girl (in the pink sweater) was on a class on her own or whether she was in a class with other students who played after us in the concert - I'll get to them later!
I think most of us were a bit nervous, we had a few wrong notes!
Anyway, we played O Little Town of Bethlehem and Come Back to Sorrento. Both songs had 3 parts.
Here are some photo's of us. The first 2 are us warming up/practising. The other 3 are of us playing in the concert. Oh yea, and by the way, the lady in the 2nd photo is our teacher - Agi. She plays REALLY well!!
And after us played my friend - Annie - and i can't remember how many other students, and Agi played too. They played Carmen ( By Thaikovsky??). Unfortunately we didn't video them, but the sounded SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO good!!! There must have been about 3 or 4 parts the piece (of music).
By the way, this was my last year at the music school, it only goes up to intermediete age, and next year I will be first year highschool.
But I'm hoping to have private lessons with Agi!!
Anyway, better go do some maths, now that it is 10:58pm, and we have a trial triathlon (in preparation for the Weet-bix kids triathlon) at 10 / 10:30 am tomorrow morning,
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